Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Random things seen and heard on the road

Grace- Can you please be less heterosexual?
Grace- I guess Smokey the Bear got hungry.

Joani- We are in huckleberry country.

Joani- My huckleberry milkshake has a vodka pocket!

Famous stop

Anyone who has made the drive from Washington to Montana will tell you they have been to the Silver dollar bar. This Wild West saloon is lined with silver dollars and built up around it is the craziest collection of souvenirs imaginable.
Our last trip through these mountains yielded weapons purchased at the famous store from a very persuasive weapons salesmen named Justin.
This time the take away was much more tame...
A rabbit pelt for the cat.

And a justice scale for, well, only Skylar knows. He says it reminds him of the Metallica album cover.

Just a sign

I'm not sure if you've heard, but Gracie Ann Lucas hates that font. Yup, the font on the Idaho sign. I know there are two fonts there, and it is unclear which she has such loathing for, but the sign clearly gives her bad feelings.
I'm sorry you have had to pass by it again Grace. My only suggestion would be to close your eyes as you approach the state line next time.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Hanging out in Spokane brings back memories of the weekends we spent in college making a soup run to Luigi's. We would seriously drive from Pullman to Spokane just for their amazing soup!
Cheers to the summer! This time at Luigi's I got an old favorite and a new favorite, Italian gin!

We couldn't go downtown without stopping by Riverfront park. The iconic clock tower was the perfect place for our first group selfie of the trip.

We parked the trailer at Riverside state park. It's a beautiful place with sites right on the river just minutes from downtown.

Rob- It won't stay in and I can't pull it out. 
Get your head out of the gutter, he was talking about some trim coming off of the trailer!
Cindi- I can't text, my hands are full. 

Before leaving town we had to hit a couple more favorite stops.
Madeleine's has the best pastries and bacon! Of course Skylar had tea and cake for breakfast!

From there we hit Boo Radley's. It's a great store if you need a laugh.
Next was Auntie's bookstore. Cindi and I enjoyed some of the shirts they had for sale.
Cindi and the teens couldn't help but stop at the White Elephant store on the way out of town. Imagine the endless treasures inside!

The best thing we found in Spokane was something at a Walgreens of all places. I had never heard of the product, but Skylar had seen ads and pleaded his case until I caved. I figured if it helps his colon health and cuts down his bathroom time then win-win!

Skylar- Oh squatty potty, you fill me with endless joy... Yet leave me empty.

Meeting friends

You meet the nicest people on the road. This time it was intentional. Cindi couldn't pass up a chance to visit a National Park during the 100th year of National Parks celebration so she and Gracie decided to come along for the first leg of our trip. We connected in North Bend where the kids discovered a very important headquarters.
Skylar- This is dumb and pointless.
(Referring to having to go back to the sign after the kids already took pictures of it)
Our next stop was a favorite, Moses Lake. We've made this stop before. (Check out our previous travel blog... This time it was for a strange and wonderful food that Gracie had to have.
Of course you don't make a stop without running into the Starbucks!

Back on the road, our destination tonight is Spokane. The kids are playing Gameboy in Cindi's car and Rob and I are in the big rig.
Skylar- Should we flip this truck driver off?
Cindi- why?
Skylar- We did it last time.
Cindi- don't drink that... It's not Mt Dew

Much needed break

Skylar worked so hard at the end of the school year to finish strong. He rocked his finals and ended his sophomore year of high school with a 3.4 GPA. The hard work didn't stop there. Skylar only had a one day break before starting his summer job at the Point Defiance Zoo. He worked 6 hour shifts the last 3 days straight. Needless to say he is ready for some down time.

This school year has been a real doozy for me. Up to 28 students all year, sometimes more. That alone could drive a 1st grade teacher to drink. Instead, I went back to school to get my library endorsement. Also, in my tiny bit of spare time I drive for Uber. Needless to say, I was more than happy to see the school year come to a close. Bring on the rest and relaxation!

Heading out

Going on a trip is quite a production these days for our family. Loading the trailer is nothing, it's getting the animals squared away! 
First we had to find a home for our 10 year old boxer for the week. Luckily, I have an awesome friend that loves dogs and was willing to put up with the slobber. Smore has already found a snuggle buddy at the Butler house!

We usually board Smore when we don't take him with, but we were spending that money on boarding reptiles instead! That was the next task, packing up the lizard and the tortoise and taking them to the exotic pet vet in Bothell. A little out of the way, but eventually we make our way to 1-90 and Eastward.