Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Hanging out in Spokane brings back memories of the weekends we spent in college making a soup run to Luigi's. We would seriously drive from Pullman to Spokane just for their amazing soup!
Cheers to the summer! This time at Luigi's I got an old favorite and a new favorite, Italian gin!

We couldn't go downtown without stopping by Riverfront park. The iconic clock tower was the perfect place for our first group selfie of the trip.

We parked the trailer at Riverside state park. It's a beautiful place with sites right on the river just minutes from downtown.

Rob- It won't stay in and I can't pull it out. 
Get your head out of the gutter, he was talking about some trim coming off of the trailer!
Cindi- I can't text, my hands are full. 

Before leaving town we had to hit a couple more favorite stops.
Madeleine's has the best pastries and bacon! Of course Skylar had tea and cake for breakfast!

From there we hit Boo Radley's. It's a great store if you need a laugh.
Next was Auntie's bookstore. Cindi and I enjoyed some of the shirts they had for sale.
Cindi and the teens couldn't help but stop at the White Elephant store on the way out of town. Imagine the endless treasures inside!

The best thing we found in Spokane was something at a Walgreens of all places. I had never heard of the product, but Skylar had seen ads and pleaded his case until I caved. I figured if it helps his colon health and cuts down his bathroom time then win-win!

Skylar- Oh squatty potty, you fill me with endless joy... Yet leave me empty.

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