Sunday, July 10, 2016

Just killin' time

Today started with a chilly run through campus and downtown Pullman on a wonderful new system of trails.
Maybe I would have been more motivated to keep up running during my college years if the trails had been here then.

Even though it is July and we are in Eastern Washington the weather is dreary and cold today. While Maddy is off learning all about what WSU has to offer Cindi and I seek out warm activities.

We start by getting warm in the car with a drive across the border to Moscow Idaho. Moscow is a great little town with fun shops. 
We found ourselves spending a big chunk of time in a great independent bookstore.

The local toy and hobby store was a ton of fun. There were lots of great games we had never seen before and of course plenty of cards for a certain Pokéman fan.

One of the best places to get lost for hours is Tri-State. Such a great mix of stuff in that store and free popcorn too!

After so much time on our feet we were ready for a treat.

Not sick of huckleberry just yet.

Maddy wanted a shake too. She was on a break and waiting for us in the Bookie. We hustled back across the border those short 7 miles and met her there for more shopping.

After the bookie it was dinner time. We had been on our feet avoiding the rain all day. It was time to hit the Coug!

When I was a student at WSU the Coug was the spot to be, open 2 close. They had the best food (especially the fries!)...
And the best beer...
Yes, that is me with a is a pineapple beer and it's delicious!
The Coug is also the place you leave your mark. I've written on the walls there many times. This one I saw and it reminded me of some friends I have.
After the Coug we had to hit another of my favorite watering holes in Pullman, Rico's. We drank our dessert!
Joani-You look drunk in that picture.
Cindi-That's because I am drunk!

Needless to say, I drove us to our sleeping quarters. Cindi's car has the most amazing feature, a must for my next car, a heated steering wheel! Cindi caught me making out with it at a stop light.

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