With the passing of so much time, I had forgotten how much fun these Montana folk can be. I love hanging out with Rob's cousins.
Rob is very close to his family, especially since his father passed away in 2000. It's always great to have his dad's siblings in one place together.
It's also a drinkers paradise when the cousins get together. The drinking starts early and goes late into the night and wee hours of the morning.
You never know what you are going to get for food at these reunions. My very first R-M reunion, before Rob and I were even married they served road kill. Granted it was a cow that had been hit in the road nearby, then butchered, but still. At the time I was a vegetarian, and not amused. This year the main attraction was pitch fork fondue. The picture says it all.
I still don't eat beef, but I heard it was delicious. The sides sure were fantastic, as was the berry cobbler for dessert.
I don't think I've been to one reunion where a puzzle didn't make its way out. It somehow always got completed by the last day.
The reunion is almost always in some cool little Montana town. This might be the smallest yet. Reed Point is home to Bob and Terri Rittierodt. They offered their home and property to the family this year. Reed Point looks like a cool old west town. Don't let those old buildings fool you, that saloon is open for business!
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